Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How do you destroy the press?

I'm looking for ideas here, folks.

The press during this election revealed itself to be even more biased, unfair and incapable of doing its job than it has in previous years, and that's really saying something. But it's one thing when the press has a bias and you know it, and it's another when they're actively campaigning for one candidate. The press absolutely abandoned its traditional (and critical) role of vetting the candidates. As a result, they have never, to this day, pressed Obama on his relationship with a 60's radical terrorist, gave him a pass on an anti-white, anti-American preacher that he acknowledged was a huge influence on his life, and still hasn't looked into Tony Rezko.

But we do know, for example, what political parties Sarah Palin's husband belonged to, and that a plumber in Ohio owes back taxes. The press can dig up that kind of dirt. They had his tax records publicized in only a few days, while questions about Barack Obama went unanswered - in fact unquestioned - for months. Years.

Anyway, the behavior of the press has transcended bias and become utterly dishonest advocacy. Without admitting that they were doing it, they focused like a laser beam on McCain's troubles, and dismissed every Biden gaffe and Obama evasion without even blinking. Whether they actually affected the election is beside the point. Any American who votes primarily on what the Mainstream Media tells them is voting out of almost total ignorance of reality. And that's not how Democracy is supposed to work.

We have some advantages. The press is not as monolithic as it used to be. There are more fair and balanced news organizations out there now. But we need to make a concerted effort to bankrupt the media companies that pretend to be fair and unbiased while actively working for one party.

The culprits are ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS and, as if it even needed to be mentioned, MSNBC. There are newspapers too, like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, which actively suppressed video of Obama meeting with advocates and associates of Palestinian terrorists. The Associated Press is absolutely untrustworthy, having been the spearhead in destroying the credibility of Joe the Plumber for having the tenacity to ask Obama a question. Time and Newsweek (now web-only, hopefully the first step in a painful death) are biased.

How do you destroy a media organ? In America, the best way is just to stop watching them, and if you haven't done this yet, I have to ask: Why would you watch news from an organization that is lying to you, and consistently hiding the truth from you? What are you trying to accomplish? You're not getting educated, you're getting indoctrinated. You're not learning the truth, you're just learning dogma. So stop letting them flood you with lies and half-truths. Just turn them off. Look up the news on the web and find organizations you can trust.

If you want a good guide toward bias in the news, check out Newsbusters, and even more, the Media Research Center. These two sites will provide you with all the evidence you could hope for, if you are not yet convinced.

Also, unbiased news sources are few and far between, but I've always found Breitbart.com to be very fair. Reuters is not egregiously biased. The Christian Science Monitor (now web-only) is pretty fair. Fox News leans a little right, but is a paragon of virtue compared to most of them today.

Beyond that, we need to start looking at ways to interfere with the way the media does business. One hard and fast rule is that you should never cooperate with a media organ. Do not talk to them (chances are excellent they will lie about what you said anyway), or if you do, find a way to deceive them. Make up a fairly salacious story - the press loves something juicy. Use a fake name. They probably won't bother to check anyway - in addition to being biased and fairly stupid, most reporters are amazingly lazy.

We had a very interesting case of someone doing this recently. Remember the story about how Sarah Palin didn't know Africa was a continent? Well, it now looks like somebody hoaxed the press completely, and that the person quoted for the story, Martin Eisenstadt, doesn't even exist. Not only does he not exist, but organizations he supposedly works with, the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy and the Eisenstadt Group, don't exist either. But that's the media for you. Like I said, unless they're chasing down Obama's critics or revealing national secrets, they're colossally lazy. Might explain why most of them make little more than minimum wage, but that's another story.

If you can cook up something complex like this, that's great. After you humiliate the media organizations that publish your transparent lies, make sure to forward your success to as many blogs as possible, because of course the media will not talk about it in any depth.

Otherwise, a fake name and a cell phone can get you a long way, and the great part is, if the organization in question isn't totally corrupt, it wouldn't work anyway.

If you see a news crew affiliated with one of the aforementioned networks, you should try to interfere with it in all legal ways possible. When the person starts speaking into the camera, for example, jump forward and get between him or her and the camera. You don't even have to say anything. Don't do anything illegal - don't damage anything or attack anyone. Just interfere. Unplug things when they aren't looking. This is what leftists call "direct action" - you're putting yourself in between the media and the lie they want to tell. Jumping in front of a camera isn't illegal, but when the media has sold your whole country down the river, it is patriotic.


Unknown said...

You can't destroy the press. All you can do is let them hang themselves.

There is a certain segment of the population that as long as they are being told what they want to hear, they will never believe the press is unbiased. Mostly because, in their arrogance, they consider their point of view to be the center of the universe.

There is another set of people that will get sick of the bias and seek out other news sources. This will hurt the bottom line of the existing media sources, which will in response either attempt to restore some objectivity, or begin to cater further to their new-found more partisan audience. In the first case, you get your wish - an unbiased press. In the second case, the marginalize themselves and create room in the middle for new organizations.

In other words, you destroy the press by no longer giving them money or attention, and by encouraging others to do the same.

Unknown said...

Bah, can't edit for typos. Annoying.

Conservatively said...

I can delete it and let you repost if you'd like.